Reach 2025

Reach 2025 is an evangelism partnership initiative in 2024 and 2025 between It Is Written and the Columbia Union, Allegheny East, and Chesapeake Conferences. Many plans have already been prayed about and planned out. This exciting and heaven-inspired initiative will reach the Baltimore area and beyond with the hope of the everlasting gospel.

*More information will be shared on this website as time progresses, so please check back for updates regularly. Coming soon, a form will allow you to individually volunteer for the many outreaches, events, and mission projects conducted through 2025. These pre-work ministries will climax with the evangelistic series “Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity” by Pastors John Bradshaw and Alex Bryant (NAD President) in October 2025. Thank you for partnering to proclaim Christ and the hope of His soon return in your communities! Lives will be transformed for eternity through this unprecedented initiative!*

Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity Logo

It Is Written Logo
Columbia Union Conference Logo
Allegheny East Conference Logo
Chesapeake Conference Logo

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Reach 2025 Welcome